Forty years ago, I completed a three-year assignment where I experienced one or more daily miracles. I watched life happen one day after another from a perch of complete amazement. It was on top of three decades of similar events. I could not answer how did you do that? How did you manage to accomplish that? I have spent a long time learning and studying how to answer those questions. A year ago, I saw something briefly that has had me engaged for this last year. There is no such thing as prosperity, success, and numerous others. No? You cannot put them into a wheelbarrow, is true. They are merely opinions of agreement. The following four paragraphs were my reality. I am letting this go. It is part of the illusion.
Do you believe prosperity is your natural state? "I believe" is a sacred saying, and something as simple and complicated as prosperity is either so or it is not for people. Who 'believes' in golf or Dodge Vipers or Chevy Corvettes? We do not place faith, a belief in anything we see and hold to be true. Who believes in baseball bats or men walking on the moon? They are all accurate and valid portions of truth, and anyone living on this planet who looks around must see the opportunity for prosperity is everywhere, or they are blind. It is a 'light' switch that turns the current set of circumstances of having yourself rummaging around in the dark abyss of helplessness, and in a nanosecond, the lights are on. The circumstances have not changed, but what and where you must turn and how to maximize and glean the situation are suddenly visible. Turn on the lights! Prosperity is authentic and as accurate as buying a television or watching the sunset every evening in the Andes Mountains.
Are you worthy of prosperity? Richard Bach wrote, "Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they are yours." Your saying so makes it so for you. Belief is different from the muscle at work here. While the world keeps saying you are not worthy in so many thousand ways, you must say otherwise. Your saying so makes it so. The path is 'the way to get what you want is to want what you got.' Notice the most precious and beautiful moments of your life have occurred as miracles and disappeared all too quickly while the stuff you hate hangs around forever. THAT IS, YOU. You are doing it. Whatever you resist persists. Once you are grateful and see the wonder in what you have, it will disappear, and something else will appear wonderfully. You can have everything and anything you are willing to take a stand for.
I use 'expectations' to assess the cause of upsets. There is often a gap between what I expect and what is occurring. I can change my expectations once I notice what they are and the underlying rules I have adopted that are running the show now. Some rules made sense when I was three but have never made sense since then, but when triggered, they produce a three-year-old's upset and associated tantrums. [The best of us hides these very well.] Each rule I adopt is associated with one or more commitments. Should I keep the commitment, modify it, or be a voice for it? What is my underlying commitment, and how may I express it to have agreement and alignment?
Do I intend prosperity in my world and all those around me? I do. Do I support it occurring for everyone or only a select group I deem worthy? Does it come after producing all the 'merit' badges for it, or do I support its appearance now, and now and now and now and now… My experience is for far too many of us, the people we associate with play a prominent role in our ability to have prosperity occur. Rocks are hard, water is wet, and people experiencing poverty will always be here. You don't have to be one. It is a choice! Turn on the light switch. Stop doubting. Quit looking for reasons it won't happen and see that it will. It is your saying so. You say the way it is now.
What's wrong with those four paragraphs? What has changed, you ask? Nothing really except my understanding and perception. The above is ALL context and not reality. It is all just an illusion.
What guides us to the best action for the best outcome? What do we use when choosing the way to go now? Our understanding of the issue and situation is our current perception. If we are honest, perceptions change. One perception or another has led us wrong, and yet we stick to some points of view with a conviction superglue cannot match. Every conviction we hold prevents an opening for any new idea to appear. What keeps the space for possibility closed? What keeps conviction and beliefs in charge?
When we were children, we were sponges for learning. Watching small children, they initially are fearless, and then something happens, and another something until they begin creating their unique protection racket. The machine takes over until it decides what it needs and wants to keep it safe. Some of us are accepting of the ride. One's Culture is all the riders living the shared rules. Cultures clash for who is right and who is wrong. There is no peace in that perception. There never will be mutual beliefs of understanding based on illusion.
There is no physical evidence that today is Sunday; we trust that someone has kept counting since the first one. Time, especially our perception of it, and space, the perception up, down, and around are part of the illusion. When we see the meaningless beliefs we hold as the view of our world, it is only a prism that colors everything in a false light. As long as we convict ourselves with it and others, there is no hope for escape from the prison of our mind and our making. We are experiencing our thinking [from the stands] or [on the court], calling it life. One or more thoughts precede every feeling. Do your research!
Forty years ago, I began the quest to discover what I was doing that made my life so profoundly easy, not always for me. Remember est? Quickly, the search became, what is my life about? I took on commitment and responsibilities. I bought I am committed and responsible for a World that works for everyone, with no one left out or behind. I began to learn how to fly the plane and be the pilot of my life. It's an innocent mistake, considering I'm the plane. We do not be a plane and fly it at the same time. Yes, you can fly the plane. Crashes then are just part of the course.
Whether we ride a real plane in first class or coach, we get there simultaneously without worry or struggle. Some of us overthink. Sitting in the copilot seat is enjoyable for the view, but I don't need to fly the plane. Someone/thing with all the information knows better than me. I thank Bucky and Werner, Steve Zaffron, Byron Katie, Steve Chandler, Eckhart Tolle, Maria Nemeth, Bill Harris, Stuart Wilde, and others who laid the groundwork for the 3 Principles to reach me. I am home.
I thank Michael Neill for sharing Sydney Banks, Jack and George Pranskey, Elsie Spittle, Linda Quiring, Chantal Burns, and Amy Johnson. I'm no longer in charge of the Universe or writing its rules. It may take a while to completely unhook from having a rule for everything. I am back to where I began, allowing each day to unfold as it will. Sitting in first class just above the cockpit with a full view of the Universe coming toward me is the best seat anyone could ask for. Aurora Borealis dancing alongside a million billion stars in the Milky Way is a dream come true. The world works, and life works for anyone willing to let it be.
YES!! I am back to where I began. Life is so easy! It's supposed to be. Listen to the small inner voice, go where it says to go and do the things that show up to do. [With all the enthusiasm and joy you have in you!] "Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, be fortified by it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it." – Hermann Hesse.
All the self-imposed and other-imposed pressure to accomplish, worry about the destination, and what to do today is gone. The Pilot knows the way. My job, if I want to call it that, my opportunity is to maintain the plane and its surroundings. Taking out the trash with joy instead of anything else, I love putting the cap back on the toothpaste tube, and picking up after the mess is all enjoyable! Now I can see the Pilot in others. And I often see the Pilot in me in everyone else, too. And shock is seeing me in the Pilot in everyone.
Do you want peace? Complete forgiveness is the only source that lasts.