"Awakening begins when a man realizes that he is going nowhere and does not know where to go." - George I. Gurdjieff.
My imaginary podcast title is Nowhere to Go and ALL Day to Get There. I am stuck with one foot nailed to the floor, not yet awake, but for a glimmer there or here. Here is a short review of my most recent posts looked at again through Nowhere to Go and All Day to Get There.
What are the 3P's? Alan Watts influenced Werner Erhard, and around that same time, Alan presented at a course Sydney Banks attended and had his epiphany. Without any prior thoughts or systems to explain it, he took a while to have his experience sharable.
The Three Principles are Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. Michael Neill's definitions are succinct and clear.
"Mind is the formless intelligence and energy of all things. It is the fundamental nothingness at the heart of everything. It is that which all religions point to and all seekers seek - the source of life itself.
Consciousness is the field of pure awareness that allows life to be both experienced and understood. Consciousness is a pure, constant awareness, unaffected and unbounded by how "awake" or "asleep" we happen to be in the moment.
Thought is the creative force which acts as the missing link between both the spiritual and psychological and the formless and the form. It is like the "playdough" of the universe, endlessly being shaped and re-shaped into the realities we live in.
...to compare the actual principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought to any form of psychology or religion is like trying to compare electricity, magnetism, and gravity to a particular branch of science. It's not like comparing "apples and oranges', it's like comparing apples and clouds, or oranges and airplanes."
Waiting in Now is not procrastination. The direction to take Will come if you listen.
Being at the effect of one's feelings is the norm for most of us. Even knowing they are only the result of one or more thoughts I've taken for reality still hasn't broken the ego's hold.
Politics and politicians have not changed since time began, most likely. Will Rogers' observations remain true today as in the 1930s. "We always want the best man to win an election. Unfortunately, he never runs." - Will Rogers.
"I want" is a story. Allowing the ego to have what it wants guarantees conflicts and trouble.
Everything the ego claims is a lie, myth, and superstition. Is it possible to escape while everyone else lives in the illusion?
What will my next blood test reveal about the last three months? Did my diet make any difference?
Searching for effortlessness, like happiness, is the guarantee of not finding it. It is where to come from; it is the path, never the destination.
Goals are working tools for an ego. In the opening for possibility, the 'goal' comes to you.
We each have a unique life path. If you take any other path than yours, especially one of the recognized best ways, they fail, for they are not yours.
The small inner voice is never wrong.
Only the ego requires 'motivation.'
The state of being present to Being is different from being present to now.
There is a way to invite the small inner voice to suggest the next move.