In the world of Ying/Yang, dual thought, there is an in here and an out there. We are taught that out there is the cause for the experience in here. ALL experience: riding a bike, touching a butterfly, the sense of a breeze, and the scent of flowers is ‘out there’. The associated feelings of pleasure, wonder, and joy come from out there experienced in here. That is a myth. Believing it works that way is living a lie, a myth, a hoax, a superstition.
I live over halfway up the side of a mountain, and looking to the west, I see two other mountain ranges on typical clear days. Near the end of daylight, which always happens just past 6 pm, my experience watching the sun not move is me falling away from the sun with the two mountain ranges and the clouds moving with me as I watch the colors of the horizon change. The dance from blue to orange to red to black is always mesmerizing. The sensation of moving is real. Most of the time, people call it an awesome sunset. She does no such thing! The sun does not move! We do!
Fear may not be the problem. I am convinced that a small portion of the feeling we call fear, the driver of it, once identified and removed, leaves the emotional energy we love and eliminates the stop and action that happens naturally.
As a small child, I was fearless. The kind of fearless that scares parents. I did not doubt myself, no matter what happened. I thrived and developed optimism, an ability to discern the silver lining time after time while everyone else was worried about failure. Just after I turned 19, based on circumstantial evidence with inductive reasoning guaranteeing I was guilty, I was arrested, charged, and prosecuted. Nobody believed me. The ‘evidence’ was overwhelming. I knew I was innocent, and I KNEW it would work out eventually. After nearly four months of the government’s full press for me to admit guilt, I was innocent when the real perpetrator was caught and confessed.
I took a sales course over 30 years ago based on 'conviction'. In order to convince anyone of anything, you must be convinced yourself. Believe a lie, and the lie rules.
What stops people is not fear but doubt. The source of doubt is the mind. Most people’s minds are filled with the stuff, and certain 'channels' fuel worlds of doubt. The heart, however, when given free rein, is doubt free. Remove doubt, and suddenly a path is taken. The action occurs without effort. Every time I listened to the small voice within, trusted my heart and gut, the impossible became possible.
Remove all doubt. That is a course life is giving.
Recently, I discovered my iron level was 550. “Just a little above normal.” More people die from iron overload than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Get your iron checked!! It is likely much higher than optimum. Denmark does not allow any food to have iron added and blocks all imports with iron added. What do they know the rest of the world is blind to?
Stay tuned for the irony of iron.