Who hasn't heard someone say, "I'll believe it when I see it." The state of Missouri calls itself the "The Show-Me State." The trouble is that they will never see it, whatever it is, because one can only see (or know) once you believe, or so people say. Belief, or what passes for it, controls everything. On the other hand, faith exhibits possibility, while belief only supports itself, eliminating any possible exceptions preventing thinking newly. Most of what passes for science is marketing and justification for a belief system. Pick any hot-button issue; every side offers 'scientific data' supporting their beliefs. Often, opposite sides use the same data to help their opinion based on their interpretation of the data. Regarding health and wellness, there are several belief systems in place. Of course, are they all true, or are they all false, except yours?
Many have a 'formula' approach. The back of packaged products now has a list of ingredients from most significant to most minor. There is often a list of nutritional data, with a list of substances and the amount associated with each. These are all part of a 'formula' associated with what you need to be healthy. Always ensure you have enough, the right proportions, and be aware of the latest ingredients necessary to live a happy and healthy life. With a lot of time organizing the record-keeping, at least mentally, you have all the needed parts to the formula for perfect health. Many health food stores use this approach. Some believe that vitamins, minerals, shakes, and other packaged products are food. It is a myth. You may be able to eat it, but it isn't food. [ok, there are likely a few exceptions.]
Another standard system is the deficiency approach. This approach is like having a database of essential elements you must monitor. Return the ingredient to the normal range whenever an ingredient falls to zero or a critical set point. Have you ever had a blood test done? You are in the 'range,' or you are not. Many nutritional minimum daily requirements use this approach. When some aspect of your body 'acts' up, you need more iron, less iron, extra fiber, more zinc, and so on. Many advertisements offer the 'If you have the following issues… Then you need product ABC.' Before proceeding, you must talk to your doctor or a professional who knows all the answers. The 'formula' to solve your deficiency may change depending on who you ask. You must learn an encyclopedia of information or put yourself into the hands of an expert you trust. When you are selling hammers, everyone has a nail problem.
Whatever your approach, it is the one you use on everything. Only fix what is broken, right?
There are dozens of offshoots of these approaches in the health industry: vegetarian belief systems, liquid protein, Atkins, hundreds of weight loss schemes, organic food programs, and thousands of books on every permutation imaginable. They all share one thing: They are the only accurate answers to everyone's health needs.
For some people, they might be! However, something is missing from all of them. Theory to practice is where to look. What system are you using? What system are you using to validate yours? Are you positive it is the answer for everyone you know? Why do you believe that?
My point of view is not something to believe or disbelieve. It is a way to take control and be in control when the conventional approach has no more options. The truth believed is a lie; the same thing experienced is the truth. Maybe?! When I was studying sales, I heard a story. We tend to do what is reasonable even when it makes no difference. Walking down the street on the way home, a man finds his next-door neighbor on his hands and knees in the yard. When asked what he is doing, his neighbor says he is looking for his house keys. Being a friendly neighbor, he begins to help look for the keys with him. At some point, he asks, "Where did you see your keys last?"
His neighbor says, "In my bedroom."
"Then why are we looking out here?" he replies.
"There is more light out here."
If you keep looking where it is easy, where everyone else is looking, where you should look, and where what you are looking for is not there, you will be looking forever. I assume nature is wise, and the body will naturally heal itself. However, you may have to change what you are doing! My health and nutrition investigation discovered three different viewpoints.
Conventional [Western] medicine acknowledges nutrition exists but only a little more. Drugs suppress the immune system response that might fix or adjust any malfunction. All human bodies are considered the same and virtually interchangeable. Nutrition has a minimal effect, and you, the patient, are a passive follower of your doctor's instructions.
Many nutritional programs today examine nutritional imbalances and prescribe a formula to manipulate the body and fix the disease. They seldom discuss the immune response and problems if your body is deficient in one or more nutritional substances. All bodies are the same, and we only have to figure out what we need to do to be a good little patient and do what the person in authority says. Is there any real difference in these first two?
The view that caught my attention decades ago is to look at the components that support MY body regulating itself. Manage the environment, allowing health instead of managing the body, keeping the water in the tank clean instead of monitoring the fish for sickness. Any imbalance in my unique body affects all the other areas of regulation. How my body tolerates the food I eat affects all the automated systems. Diseases are regulation systems out of balance and distorted by nutritional choices, stress, and attitudes. Once I learned how my body reacts, I discovered how to restore balance, and the automated features of my body do the rest. YES!!!! You are in charge.