I hadn't seen the bottom image of the Theuller-Lyer illusion and had to pull out my ruler to confirm if they were indeed of equal lengths. Even after my ruler confirmed this, I could not wrap my head around it. This is similar to when sensational news is disproven, or proven, and people still cannot understand. I see the importance now of understanding these differences. Thank you for sharing.
I hadn't seen the bottom image of the Theuller-Lyer illusion and had to pull out my ruler to confirm if they were indeed of equal lengths. Even after my ruler confirmed this, I could not wrap my head around it. This is similar to when sensational news is disproven, or proven, and people still cannot understand. I see the importance now of understanding these differences. Thank you for sharing.
"Watch the thoughts instead"
Who is thinking?
Or who is being influenced to think a certain way?
All stuff to be aware of, methinks. Thank you !